Cultural and Artistic Aspects of the Application of Ukrainian Vytynanka in Modern Design


  • Anatoliy Slipich
  • Oleksandr Kovach
  • Iryna Lysenko-Tkachuk



The purpose of the study is to identify cultural factors and artistic manifestations of the application of the ancient art of Ukrainian vytynanka in modern design. The research methodology involved the use of methods of analysis and generalization of literary sources in order to study the cultural prerequisites for the emergence and evolution of techniques for performing vytynanka as a national type of decorative and applied art. Comparative analysis made it possible to compare traditional and modern vytynanka, to identify its manifestations in different directions of design. Thanks to the observation method, design solutions with the stylization of vytynanka in modern visual space were identified. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that it presents vytynanka as an element of Ukrainian identity, which influences the formation of modern visual culture as a result of various types of design activities. Conclusions. Vytynanki is a type of Ukrainian decorative and applied art that has deep roots, rich traditions and serves to aestheticize visual space, filling it with content, symbols, and meanings. The technical techniques and functional purpose of vytynanki changed in accordance with the socio-economic development of society, as well as the individual vision of vytynanki makers about the composition, aesthetics, and symbolic essence of this type of creativity. Vytynanki can become an ornament to any object and convey the authenticity of Ukrainian art. Initially, vytynanki decorated private homes, later – public spaces. Now vytynanki has reached a new level: in the conditions of a digital society and the increased interest of Ukrainians in their history and culture, it has become a brand that represents our national identity to the world in various types of design and creative interpretations. Vytynanki add sophistication and artistic depth to architecture, interiors, graphic design, textiles, and virtual environments. Thus, vytynanki is not only a folk art, but also a powerful design tool that, by transmitting traditions, offers new interpretations of them, adding authenticity and aesthetics to the functional environment.





Art, decorative art, restaurant