Photographic Reproductions of Sculptural Works by O. Y. Shevchukevych as a Source of Insight into the Artist’s Contributions


  • Denys Tsurika



The purpose of this article is to evaluate how comprehensively these postcards capture the artist’s creations and to identify the phases of his artistic journey that they represent. Furthermore, it aims to explore the potential of introducing works that have not previously been reproduced into academic discourse. The research involves collecting and organising documentary materials, such as photographs, that showcase the creative output of Ukrainian sculptor Opanas Shevchukevych from 1925 to 1972. The goal is to establish guidelines and a framework for a photographic archive to facilitate further analysis of his stylistic development. Photographic reproductions of O. Y. Shevchukevych’s sculptures provide valuable insights into his body of work. The research methodology incorporates comparative analysis and historical-logical approaches, enabling a thorough investigation and systematisation of the discovered materials based on their creation period, series, and other distinguishing characteristics. This approach highlights the different phases of the artist’s career. Scientific novelty. Organising the photographic records chronologically allows for a comprehensive exploration and comparison of Shevchukevych’s stylistic evolution. This research significantly contributes to a deeper understanding of, replication of, and ability to catalogue, the works of the Ukrainian sculptor O. Shevchukevych by introducing previously unavailable photographic documents. Such efforts enrich his artistic legacy. Through comparative analysis, insights can be derived into the various phases of his creative journey and the consistency of his artistic vision. Photographs from different periods are crucial for identifying the artist’s distinctive stylistic elements. Conclusions. In summary, these photographic records serve as invaluable tools for investigating Shevchukevych’s creative heritage, reinforcing and substantiating conclusions about his artistic characteristics across different phases of his career. Rethinking the history of Ukrainian art and expanding awareness of lesser-known Soviet-era artists enriches Ukraine’s cultural heritage with the sculptural works of the Bukovinian artist Opanas Shevchukevych, covering the years 1925 to 1970. Additionally, a catalogue is being compiled, featuring previously unpublished works by the artist that have not been documented in specialised literature. Examining the artist’s biography and creative evolution reveals Ukrainian-German artistic relationships and influences, as well as the development of ideas and methods from European art movements, particularly expressionism, during the period from 1920 to 1935.





Art, decorative art, restaurant