Romanian National Identity in the Creativity of G. Enesku (on the Example of Sonata no. 3 Op. 25 for Violin and Piano)


  • Gabriella Astalosh



The purpose of the article is to investigate the problem of realisation of national identity in G. Enescu creativity on the example of one of the brightest pieces of the author's writing, Sonata No. 3 op. 25 for violin and piano. In accordance with the purpose, the following tasks were set: to determine the specificity of the Romanian school of composition, to indicate the main parameters that formed the national component of the professional musical art of its representatives, to investigate the individual style of G. Enescu on his violin music example. Research methodology. In the research process to reveal present issues the following methods were used: analytical and structural-logical (to determine the content of national identity concept in the artist's work); comparative (to confront with related phenomena in other national cultures); source scholar (to study art history works on related issues); the method of theoretical generalisation (to summarise the research outcomes). Scientific novelty. The article is the first attempt in Ukrainian science to investigate the problem of national identity through the prism of the chosen bright author individual style, whose work was at the origins of the Romanian school of composition at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. Conclusions. G. Enescu's violin heritage is the key to understanding national identity in Romanian professional music. It is this genre that has become a kind of heir to the folklore traditions of lăutari – carriers of Romanian culture, their mentality, worldview, philosophical understanding of life and its inner, emotional experience. In the violin sonatas the master managed to find his own concept of creativity, which reflected national idea not only at the level of composer's style, but also the performing manner of interpretation of these works, which is as close as possible to the folk, has a narrative character, relays first of all the informativeness and content of the music itself.





Musical art