Value Aspects of Musical Worship in Contemporary Evangelical Communities


  • Tetiana Bulakh



The purpose of this study is to determine the value aspects of contemporary evangelical worship and its impact on the formation of believers' spiritual experiences, the integration of musical elements into religious practices, and the development of community value orientations. Worship is considered as a tool for shaping both personal and communal values and its adaptation to the modern socio-cultural context. Research methodology is based on the application of cultural analysis, structural analysis, and content analysis of musical practices in evangelical worship services, as well as a socio-cultural approach to understanding the integration processes within religious communities. The use of these methods allows for a deeper understanding of worship’s functions as a form of religious expression and its influence on the moral and ethical norms of worship practices. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the provision of insights regarding the establishment of contemporary religious movements in Ukraine, as well as defining contemporary musical worship not only as a ritual component of religious practice but also as a means of forming new spiritual and cultural paradigms. The study reveals the dynamic nature of evangelical movements and their ability to adapt to contemporary conditions through the use of new musical styles and technologies. Conclusions. The study concludes that the act of musical worship in contemporary evangelical churches takes place in a format of live interaction between musicians, the worship service, and attendees, fostering immersion into value frameworks based on biblical principles. This interaction facilitates the development of moral and ethical norms that influence social connections. Furthermore, interdenominational cooperation, which is enhanced through joint musical worship services, stimulates the creation of new forms of religious expression that align with modern societal demands. This highlights the significance of music as a means of communication and spiritual integration, opening up new opportunities for religious and social interaction in the modern world.





Musical art