Involvement of Romance Genre in Ukrainian Pop Song of the Twentieth Century through the Prism of Socio-Cultural Changes


  • Oleksandr Lazniuk
  • Serhii Nefedov



The purpose of the study is to study the formation and evolution of Ukrainian romance as a genre of musical art, analysing its connection with folk song, literary poetry and European musical influences, as well as to determine the role of romance in the development of Ukrainian musical culture. Research methodology. The researchers used a historical and theoretical approach, including the analysis of musical and literary sources, as well as a comparative method to identify the connections between the Ukrainian romance and other genres of the European musical tradition. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the interaction of Ukrainian romance with literary poetry, in particular the embodiment of poetic images in music, is analysed in a comprehensive context, and the influence of European romanticism on the development of the Ukrainian musical genre is highlighted. Conclusions. Ukrainian romance was formed as a result of the synthesis of folk music tradition, European romantic aesthetics and poetry. It has acquired unique features that determine its genre identity and significance in the context of national culture. The author examines the influence of the romance genre on the formation and development of Ukrainian pop song of XX century through the prism of socio-cultural changes of the relevant era. Having examined historical, social and cultural factors, it was determined that these factors led to the popularity of the romance as one of the most lyrical genres that influenced the aesthetics and thematic direction of Ukrainian pop song. The analysis of melodic and poetic features characteristic of the romance proved that the features of the Ukrainian romance were reflected in the works of prominent Ukrainian composers and performers of pop songs of XX century.





Musical art