Musical Theatre for Children in Ukraine: Latest Trends and Achievements (on the example of the musical “Pinocchia” by Borys Sevastianov)


  • Nataliia Maliukova



The purpose of the work is to identify new trends in the development of contemporary children's musical theatre in Ukraine through the prism of the analysis of the musical “Pinocchia” by B. Sevastianov. Research methodology. The methodological framework chosen for the article comprises genre-style, comparative, historical, interdisciplinary, and analytical approaches. These methods allow for the analysis of various factors that help reveal the features of the development of children's musicals in Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is defined by the first comprehensive analysis of the children's musical “Pinocchia” by B. Sevastianov through the lens of trend movements in Ukrainian musical and theatrical art for children. Conclusions. Understanding musical theatre for children as an essential component of the artistic and sociocultural process in Ukraine is extremely relevant in modern conditions. The experience of creating a quality Broadway-style children's musical “Pinocchia” by B. Sevastianov not only contributes to the development of Ukrainian culture but also actively influences the upbringing of a new generation of audiences. Musical plays an important role in shaping aesthetic tastes and cultural values in children, creating opportunities for them to immerse themselves in the world of theatre, music, and dance. Composer B. Sevastianov skilfully combines a classic plot with musical innovations in his work. This combination makes the production interesting and appealing not only to children but also to adults, as it allows all viewers to feel the emotional depth and richness of impressions. The integration of electronic instruments and popular music styles has become one of the defining trends in children's musical theatre. The children's musical “Pinocchia” is a representative work not only for the development of Ukrainian children's theatre but also for the establishment of Ukrainian children's musicals as a whole. This indicates the readiness of Ukrainian artists to implement innovative approaches into classical forms of theatrical art, which is necessary for its further development and popularisation. The musical “Pinocchio” opens new horizons for further research in this field, emphasising the importance of integrating traditions and innovations in contemporary theatrical art. It not only fulfils an aesthetic function but also becomes an important tool for the education and upbringing of children, shaping their active position in the perception of art and culture.





Musical art