Genre-Style Principles of Repertory Formation of Amateur Female Vocal Ensembles in the Creativity of Transcarpathian Composers


  • Mariia Martyniuk



The purpose of the article is to analyse the creativity of Transcarpathian composers through the prism of the female vocal ensemble genre and the representation of the activities of the amateur collectives in the region. The research methodology consists in the application of a complex approach, which involves an empirical method – highlighting the issue of the work of Transcarpathian composers for female vocal ensembles, a method of analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to reveal the genre and style principles based on published repertoire collections of composers. The scientific novelty is the introduction to the scientific circulation of the compositional work of Transcarpathian artists, specifically for female vocal ensembles, opportunities for their development and performing activities, the levels of interaction of the compositional work with folklore and modern performance trends are revealed. Conclusions. Amateur women's vocal ensembles, having a high-performance culture, a genre-stylistic diversity of the repertoire, demonstrate the best examples of Transcarpathian composers, in whose creative output the song occupies a special place. The figures of composers whose work reflects the deep continuity of national traditions and local flavour were deliberately taken for analysis. The song works of D. Zador, M. Popenko, V. Popovych, and F. Turianyn were included in the golden fund of the song art of Transcarpathian region. The spiritual, patriotic, lyrical, humorous songs of the proposed composers continue the song-creative traditions of the region, genre-stylistic features of vocal-ensemble music. In author's songs, composers use the literary text that enriches the musical fabric of the song, in the processing of folk songs, composers vividly reflect the folk local flavour, using harmonic techniques that help to reveal the artistic content in a deeper way.





Musical art