Formation and Development of Protestant Musical Tradition of Kyiv Region at the End of the 20th - Early 21st Century (on the Example of the Choral Work of Baptist Composers)


  • Olga Pryvalova



The purpose of the research is to analyse the work of composers, authors of choral chants for liturgical use and concert performance in Protestant churches of the Baptist denomination of the Kyiv region at the end of the 20th – early 21st century. The research methodology involved the use of a number of methods, including biographical, personological, historical-cultural, musical-analytical, empirical, which made it possible to create a holistic panorama of the development of the Baptist musical tradition of the Kyiv region during the Independence period. The scientific novelty of the study is the systematisation of information about the creative activities of Protestant composers in the Kyiv region; introduction to the scientific circulation of the corps of Ukrainian spiritual choral works representing the liturgical and concert practice of the Baptist Church. Conclusions. Composer's creativity in the Protestant churches of the Kyiv region during the USSR was amateur. The professional stage of development of the original Ukrainian Baptist music began in the 1990s. The first composer with a professional education was Svstlana Ostrova, who laid the foundations of professional composer creativity of the Baptist Church in Ukraine and raised a galaxy of church composers. The creative achievements of Ivan Milieiev, Pavlo Sydko, Sergiy Khashchuk, Volodymyr Khlysta, Vitaly Hryhor demonstrate both the continuity of the confessional musical traditions of the Baptist church, and the renewal of style and composer technique in modern choral Protestant composer's work.





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