
  • Tamara Magomedova
  • Salminat Hasanova
  • Patimat Lekova



Annotation. The article analyzes the linguocorrectional methodological platform for teaching the Russian
language in the educational environment of multilingual Dagestan. The linguistic personality in a multi-ethnic communicative space, entering into a peculiar dialogue of cultures, is revealed as a subject of interlingual, intercultural and interpersonal communication. A communicative culture of a linguistic personality in a multilingual socium can be represented as a combination of linguistic, pragmatic, sociocultural skills used in the context of intercultural communication.Modern Russian-language communication in the polylingual conditions of Dagestan clearly demonstrates the problematic areas of the culture of Russian speech, primarily due to the interference’s influence of the second (native) language.The choice of the methodological toolkit of the linguocorrection of the Russian language of Dagestans-bilinguals directly depends on the typology of interferential errors revealed on the basis of the results of a comparative-typological, correlative analysis of the Russian and Dagestan languages.As didactic means of linguocorrectional teaching of the Russian language in the educational environment of multilingual Dagestan, the textbooks “Correction of Russian Speech” and “Russian Box” aimed at productive formation and development of communicative and culturological competencies ensuring the achievement of a high level of culture of Russian bilingual are presented.
Keywords: Russian language, language personality, multilingualism, bilingual, culture of speech,
communicative competence, culturological competence, linguocorrection, methodical platform, educational and methodical tools, teaching aids.


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