The right to work as a socio-cultural phenomenon


  • Serghii Vavzhenchuk doctor of Law, Professor of Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Byrkovych Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
  • Tetyana Byrkovych Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine



a right to work, culture, legal culture, socio-cultural phenomenon, socio-cultural approach, methodology.


The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics and main aspects of the right to work as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The methodology is manifested in the interdisciplinary approach and is based on the system of General scientific, special scientific methods, which, in turn, reflect the system method, hermeneutic method, historical method, logical-semantic method, method of comparative analysis. The scientific novelty of the work is to justify the understanding of the right to work as a socio-cultural phenomenon using legal and socio-cultural methodological approaches. Conclusions. By taking into account interdisciplinary methodological approaches, the right to work is a component not only of the mechanism of legal regulation but also of the socio-cultural mechanism that gives stability to labor relations. The work culture in modern conditions occupies a prominent place in the corporate policies of employers, which requires an interdisciplinary approach in their development and structuring. The integrity of the right to work depends on legal and socio-cultural, historical and ethnic factors, which makes it possible to consider a number of new problems of the functioning of the legal system. 

Author Biographies

Serghii Vavzhenchuk, doctor of Law, Professor of Taras Shevchenko

National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandr Byrkovych, Uzhhorod National University

PhD, Docent

Tetyana Byrkovych, Kyiv University of Culture

D. Sc. in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Law


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