Abstract. Hospital is a social institution, which is required to sustain life, maintain human survival, return
health, and treat disease. Hospital was emerged gradually on people's social life and it has been revealed as a need in the human society over the years along with the evolution and development of science, technology, skills, and ways of life. In the present paper, a brief history of the rise of hospitals was given in Iran and in the world. Then, it has been tried to explain the development process of medical centers (hospital) and their conversion to modern hospital hotels considering the needs of companions and patients in order to improve the quality of hospitals. This research is a comparative review paper, in which routine search engines, related papers, and valid books have been used for data collection. Looking at the case study of hospitals outside and inside Iran, their architectural features are applied to
improve the quality of health care spaces’ function, reduce mental stresses, and increase the patient companions’ satisfaction to create a more favorable environment. This is a step for physical improvement, which provides a space to design health centers and adopt policies and strategies for the managers and architects to increase patients’ satisfaction.
Keywords: History of hospital, hospital hotel, patients’ companions, mental stresses.
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