Abstract. The article examines the diversity of pedagogical principles that are applied in the pedagogical
system of art education. Speaking about the development of an individual artistic culture as the fundamental goal of the system, we mean the solution of a wide range of tasks. These are educational, training, and developmental tasks. Without reducing the importance of educational task successful solution, we still focus on the development of mechanisms that promote personal development. To this end, we attempted to highlight the pedagogical principles used in art education, which, in our opinion, are aimed at this problem solution. The application of principles in the course of the experiment aimed at student creativity development (imagery, educational process development, consistency and
continuity, minimax, psychological comfort, creativity, chaotic learning, emotional state tracking, functional fullness, artistic empathy and likeness et al.), allowed to achieve significant results within the groups that participated in the experiment. They increased the attendance of classes in these student groups, the interest in the future profession, the understanding of the future designer profession content, as well as the specifics of their work after their study completion. It should be noted that the authority of teachers, who used creative principles of teaching, has increased significantly. The presence of positive performance factors confirms the need for pedagogical search and reasonable
combination of both new and classical (traditional) pedagogical principles in the educational process.
Key words: The artistic culture of an individual, the pedagogical system of an individual artistic culture
development, student-centered pedagogy, pedagogical principles, the principle of figurativeness, the principle of minimax, the principle of creativity.
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