Abstract. The article is devoted to the historical and modern aspects of the actualization of the
internationalization of ethno-political relations as a factor in the development of a multi-ethnic society. The authors postulate the importance of internationalization as a historically approved ethnopolitical practice of a civilizational way of overcoming ethnopolitical conflicts and optimizing ethnopolitical relations on the basis of achieving the consolidation of ethnonational and national interests. According to the authors, internationalization, as a principle of ethnopolitics and a model for the development of ethnopolitical relations, has practical significance for the prevention of ethnopolitical conflicts and overcoming crisis situations in the dynamics of ethnopolitical practice at the level of relations between the state and ethnos and inter-ethnic relations. In order to use the case method, the authors identify the main laws of the conflict-generating potential of ethnic and state nationalism. It is established that the study of ethnopolitical processes on a particular experience makes it possible to verify the theoretical and practical aspects of the relevance of internationalization as a humanitarian value and a factor of national security not only in polyethnic federations, but also in a polyethnic society with a unitary form of government. We formulated a conclusion about the positive role of the internationalization of ethno-political relations for the peaceful coexistence of ethnic groups, the prevention of centrifugal tendencies and the harmonious development of a multi-ethnic society.
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