Abstract. The present study is aimed to evaluate the impact of website quality, customer emotion and
electronic customer satisfaction on electronic loyalty of customer. The present study is an applied study based on purpose and it is a survey-descriptive in terms of data collection. The study population is the customers of websites of online reservation of travel agencies. By convenient sampling, 367 customers were selected. In the present study, to test the measurement model and study hypotheses, structural equations modeling by the partial least squares using SMARTPLS software is applied. The results showed that the impact of website quality, customer emotion and electronic satisfaction of customer on electronic loyalty of customer was positive and significant. The impact of customer emotion and website quality on electronic satisfaction of customer was positive and significant. The impact of website quality on customer emotion was positive and significant. Totally, the results emphasized the role of quality of website, customer emotion and satisfaction of electronic customer on electronic loyalty of customer.
Keywords: Website quality, Customer emotion, Electronic customer satisfaction, Customer electronic
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