Salih Çepni
Uludag University, Turkey
Scopus: link
Researcher ID: ABF-5264-2020
Professional (scientific) interests: Science education, Curriculum development implementation and evualatiation assesment.
Selected Publications:
- Makal, N., Çepni, S. (2024). Increasing students’ empathy levels in science education: a thematic review. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 23 (5), 914–930.
- Malay, H. A., Çepni, S., Aydemir, U. (2024). Promoting 21st Century Emerging Technologies in Science Education In Light of Photonics Education Framework. Science & Education.
- Özkan, C., Çepni, S., Maratkyzy, N., Vural Arslan, T., Durak, S. (2024). A new perspective on STEM education: The possible contributions of architectural education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 21 (3), 599–619.
- Cepni, S., Aydin, M., Ada Yildiz, K., Birisci, S., Ozkan, C., Yalabuk, C. (2024). Examining the Impact of Modified P3 Task Taxonomy-Enriched Educational Robotics PD Program on Teachers’ STEM Content Knowledge. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
- Cepni, S., Aydin, M., Iryanti, M., Birisci, S. (2024). Scaffolding Pre-service Science Teachers’ Problem-Solving Strategies in a Methane Gas Detector Task Within an Earthquake-Robotics PD Course. Journal of Science Education and Technology.
- Coruhlu, T. S., Calik, M., Nas, S. E., Cepni, S., Ergul, C., Almalı, S. K. (2024). Effectiveness of the prediction–observation–explanation strategy on students with mild intellectual disabilities. Asia Pacific Education Review.
- Şenel Çoruhlu, T., Er Nas, S., Çalik, M., Ergül, C., Çepni, S., Karagöz, G. N. (2022). Deney Kılavuzunun Hafif Düzeyde Zihinsel Yetersizliğe Sahip Öğrencilerin Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri Üzerine Etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 23 (4), 775–809.