Carrier competence of future engineers-mechanics: essence and structure


  • Maryna Klymenko Lecturer Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy, Ukraine



professional training of engineers-mechanics, carrier, competence, carrier competence of future engineers-mechanics


The research position as to the essence and structure of the carrier competence of future engineers-mechanics is presented in the study. Based on the analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization of independent assessments there were established that the essence of the carrier competence as an integrated quality of future engineers-mechanics characterizes their aspirations, readiness and ability to the professional self-realization in the processes of improvement and growth of the production effectiveness, attended by a reflexive vision of oneself, adequate self-estimation, and determines the purposeful process and also the result of the professional career development. The structure of the professional competence was determined in the unity of the motivation-axiological, cognitive-procedural, subjective-activity, reflexive-evaluative components. In the content of the motivation-axiological component we distinguish correspondent axiological-worldview positions, professional interests, attitudes, motivations, affiliations, needs for achievements, aspirations. Elements of the cognitive-procedural component include correspondent notions, scientific-theoretical erudition, ideas, skills, individual-professional qualities that provide an understanding of the engineer-mechanic’s professional activity as an initial career stage. The subjective-activity component is concretized by correspondent actions of future engineers-mechanics, individual-personal qualities, mechanisms of self-actualization as a process of activation of abilities and professionally essential qualities of future engineers-mechanics, directing them on the development of necessary competences to realize their career in the chosen field of the professional activity. The reflexive-evaluative component is manifested in:

– ability to an adequate estimation of own possibilities of the professional and career growth, readiness to reflection to overcome career crises, solution of career problems, in abilities to understand personal career achievements;

– skills of a systematic analysis and self-estimation of individual-personal qualities and results of the professional training in the context of ideas about the future professional success and career development

Author Biography

Maryna Klymenko, Lecturer Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy

National Transport University

M. Omelyanovycha-Pavlenka str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010


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How to Cite

Klymenko, M. (2017). Carrier competence of future engineers-mechanics: essence and structure. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (7 (15), 9–14.



Pedagogical Education