Psychopedagogical support of the efficient leader of the XXI century: synergetic approach




psychopedagogical support, synergetic approach, interaction, self-organization, self-development, leader, leadership, practicum


The essence of the psychopedagogical support of an effective leader of XXI century on the background of the synergetic approach was studied in the paper. It was grounded, that the general scientific synergetic approach includes the whole totality of the universal processes of self-organization as the stages of the open system dynamics – appearance, changes, self-complication in the aspect of social regulation. It was proved, that the combination of formal and informal leadership, when an official supervisor is accepted by members of a group also as a leader, is an ideal variant of the management and functioning of an organization. It was concretized, that the psychopedagogical support of a leader is a special type of the help to a leader, used with the support on specific individual and group psychopedagogical methods and intended to help to solve problems of professional-personal harmonization or to prevent them, including the diagnostics, psychopedagogical consulting and development of personal-professional managerial competences using elements of modern psychotechniques: health preserving, couching, facilitation and so on. The main directions of the psychopedagogical support realization were determined: psychological diagnostics, psychological education, psychological consulting, developing learning course, psychological-pedagogical correction. The practical aspect of the work is explained on the example of introduction of the psychopedagogical practicum for local self-government leaders on the base of the synergetic approach that provides test and practical tasks realization for the diagnostics and personal-professional self-improvement, and also the use of earlier mastered knowledge, abilities and skills in the multi-channel interaction at training group activities. The psychopedagogical technology of practical group activities provides the activity in small groups, guaranteeing the synergetic effect. Each of these groups realizes the certain type of a practical work (differentiated study). There were noted the prospects of introducing the system of psychopedagogical support of effective leaders, based on the synergetic approach, conditioned by the fact that such system corresponds to the nature of “living organization” and reflects the constructive development in the logic of dynamic and little-predictable chaotic processes in the modern society

Author Biography

Alla Semenova, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Shevchenko ave., 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65000

Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor

Department of Political Science


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How to Cite

Semenova, A. (2017). Psychopedagogical support of the efficient leader of the XXI century: synergetic approach. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (7 (15), 30–36.



Pedagogical Education