The determination of structural components of readiness of primary school teachers to the use of learning-playing technologies




learning-playing technologies, structural components of readiness, playing activity, teacher’s professional activity


The structure of the readiness of students of the specialty “Primary education” to the use of learning-playing technologies was characterized in the study and its following components were separated: motivational, cognitive and operational. The brief analysis was each component was given. It was determined, that the motivational component reflects the moral-psychological student’s readiness to the pedagogical activity and is characterized by the student’s motivation to the learning-cognitive activity and participation in the process of this competence formation, interest of a future teacher to the pedagogical activity of teaching school subjects in primary classes, and also a self-estimation of the professional training and its correspondence to optimal professional examples. It was explained, that the cognitive component characterizes general pedagogical, methodical and special (playing-technical) knowledge and also pedagogical (terminal and instrumental) values. It was demonstrated, that the operational component consists of pivotal components as general pedagogic, methodical and special (playing-technical) skills, necessary for attaining a quality and high results of the professional pedagogical activity

Author Biography

Marina Marko, Drohobych Ivan Franco State Pedagogical University Ivan Franko str., 24, Drohobych, Ukraine, 82100

Postgraduate student

Department of methods of labor and vocational training and arts and applied arts


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How to Cite

Marko, M. (2017). The determination of structural components of readiness of primary school teachers to the use of learning-playing technologies. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (7 (15), 49–53.



Pedagogical Education