Organization of production training for future cooks in professional commercial-culinary schools of Ukraine (60-80s of the twentieth century)




cook, historical experience, professional-practical training, production training, professional culinary-commercial schools


The study accents attention on the importance of studying historical experience as to the organization of the professional training of qualified workers in the specialty “Cook” in professional commercial-culinary schools of Ukraine in 60-80 years of ХХ century, because it allows to reveal study specific forms and methods and to avoid negative factors that decreases the effectiveness of this training.

There were analyzed the views of scientists as to organizational-pedagogical questions of the organization of еру professional training of working staff of different specialties at certain historical stages. It was noted, that the key role in qualified workers training belonged and belongs to the professional study, at which bases of the professional competence are formed.

It was noted, that the main feature of the production training of future cooks in commercial-culinary schools of Ukraine in 60–80 years of ХХ was that it alternated with the theoretical one each two weeks and took place not at learning workshops, but at active learning-production enterprises of public food, where pupils worked independently in all processes, connected with dishes preparation and service. Attention is concentrated on the production practice, planned at the end of the production learning program and was carried out in Crimea at the resort season at organizations and enterprises of the system of Ukrainian resort trade.

The content of the professional-practical training of future cooks was determined, its main tendencies in the studied period were characterized.

It is stated, that the retrospective analysis (60–80 years of ХХ century) of approaches to the organization of the production training of future cooks at professional commercial-culinary training schools of Ukraine allows to understand the best pedagogical experience and to systematize organization forms, methods and technologies of the production training of future qualified workers of the restaurant economy branch, to transform the idea of duality of the professional training of cooks under modern conditions of the evolution of the professional education system in Ukraine

Author Biography

Iryna Drozich, SEI "Khmelnytskyi Center for Professional Services Education" Panasa Myrnogo str., 5, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, 29015



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How to Cite

Drozich, I. (2017). Organization of production training for future cooks in professional commercial-culinary schools of Ukraine (60-80s of the twentieth century). ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (8 (16), 9–13.



Pedagogical Education