Development of the concept of research of formation of the professionalism bases of future teachers of technologies




research concept, professionalism, teacher of technologies, methodology, principles, acmeology, competences


In the study is presented the elaboration of the concept of formation of professionalism bases of future teachers of technologies. It was established, that professionalism formation of future teachers essentially grows because of needs for improvement of the Ukrainian educational system. The analysis of the notion “professional training of a future teacher of technologies” was carried out, its structure was described, components of the content of professional training and its aim were elucidated. Views of scientists as to the improvement of professional training of future teachers were analyzed, further prospects of the study of this problem were determined. Theoretical grounds of construction of the pedagogical system of professionalism formation of a teacher of technologies were substantiated and professionalism levels of a teacher of technologies were elaborated.

It was established, that educational innovations characterize the essential connection of the theory and practice of the educational activity, determine its norms, typical for innovative transformations, organically combine processes of formation and introduction of innovations in practice.

In the work was accented, that the main factor of teacher’s professionalism attainment is the process of self-perfection. Professionalism allows a teacher, having achieved the state of understanding, to begin the movement to the state of awareness, that is the accumulation of concrete knowledge and achievements in the profession, and at the final stage to realize a transfer into the state of skillfulness, realization of understood things. At the elaboration and generalization of main principles of the concept of formation of professionalism bases of a future teacher of technologies at higher educational institutions will be effective, if to combine complexly innovative and traditional forms of the study and also to pay the special attention to the research work.

Conceptual theses and the model of professional renewal of pedagogical training of a future teacher of technologies are presented as a system of scientific-methodological support that includes the following components: conception of renewal, structural-content, technological and organizational-didactic components. In the conception is grounded the totality of methodological theses that form its base, main tendencies, principles and prospects of the process of renewal were revealed, structures of renewal and ways of realization of the offered model were determined.

The essence of the elaborated concept of formation of professionalism of future teachers of technology is in the necessity to improve the system, personally oriented, autonomous approaches to the professionalism development of a future teacher of technologies allows to provide main personal demands of future teachers, acmeologic and synergetic needs for self-affirmation and self-development

Author Biography

Igor Hevko, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Maksyma Kryvonosa str., 2, Ternopіl, Ukraine, 46027

PhD, Associate Professor, Head Department

Department of Computer Technologies


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How to Cite

Hevko, I. (2017). Development of the concept of research of formation of the professionalism bases of future teachers of technologies. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (8 (16), 24–29.



Pedagogical Education