The research of problems of career guidance of pupils on IT- specialties in Ukraine in the social context




labor market, IT-branch, staff support, career guidance of schoolchildren, IT-specialties, teacher of informatics


Ukraine (together with the whole world) demonstrates the unfavorable economic-demographic tendency, on which background the decrease of population’s employment level, increase of the number of unemployed persons, professional-qualification imbalance and heterogeneity of conjuncture on the labor market, ineffective population’s employment can be observed.  In the last years the question of satisfaction the demand for professional specialists is most urgent for IT-industry – the most developed and largest segment of innovative economy of Ukraine. At the same time main limitations and challenges for IT-industry in Ukraine include an acute staff deficit. The questionnaire of pupils of the eleventh classes of schools in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region as to the problem of choosing their future specialty testified that senior pupils have great complications with choosing the direction of future professional activity. Reformation of the educational system, started in Ukraine, has just the remote prospect of improving the present situation.

The one of ways of solving the aforesaid problems may be the purposeful and system preparation of school graduates to the conscious choice of a specialty in IT-branch that must be a priority sphere of career guidance work realization by a teacher of informatics.  A teacher of informatics must realize his/her exceptional role in favoring professional self-determination of schoolchildren in IT-direction and to be prepared, motivated, active, purposeful and persistent as to realization of such career guidance work

Author Biography

Nataliia Ponomarova, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkov National Pedagogical University Alchevskykh str., 29, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of the Elementary, Pre-school and Professionsl Education


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How to Cite

Ponomarova, N. (2018). The research of problems of career guidance of pupils on IT- specialties in Ukraine in the social context. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (22), 4–8.



Pedagogical Education