Experimental study of the formation of the professional competence of firefighters-rescuers in the course of course preparation





professional competence, testing, ascertaining stage, experimental group, firefighter-rescuer, working capacity


In Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - SES of Ukraine) ensures and protects population and territories from emergencies of anthropogenic and natural character. The article presents the methodology and results of an experimental study of the formation and development of professional competence of future firefighters-rescuers at the initial and final stages of the course (primary) training. Primary vocational training of fire-rescuers is organized in the network of educational-methodical centers of civil protection (subordination of SES of Ukraine) and safety of life (subordination of local or regional levels of executive bodies), as well as in higher educational institutions (subordinate to Ministry of Education and Science and / or SES of Ukraine). Conducting an analytical and experimental study of the system of vocational training of the fireman and rescuer as the basic profession of specialists in the field of civil protection, which realize the function and tasks of the state in carrying out fire and rescue works and liquidation of emergency situations. The problems of theoretical and practical components of their professional training are considered in order to approximate the national standards of vocational training of specialists in the field of civil protection to the European, increase their professional competence, the effectiveness of fire and rescue and fire fighting. Applied a developed methodology, which gave an opportunity to determine the dynamics of the acquisition of cadets of the training center of basic, basic and high indicators of professional competence

Author Biography

Inna Krasutskaya, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Proskurivskoho Pidpillia str., 139, Khmelnytskyi, 29013

Postgraduate student

Department of Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Krasutskaya, I. (2018). Experimental study of the formation of the professional competence of firefighters-rescuers in the course of course preparation. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3 (23), 23–30. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2018.127120



Pedagogical Education