Experimental verification of the effectiveness of the methodical system of formation of chemistry competence of future bachelors of the medical diagnostics and treatment technology at higher medical institutions of ukraine





experimental verification, methodical system, chemistry competence, bachelors, medical diagnostics


The research presents the interpretations of the notions “chemistry competence of future bachelors of medical diagnostics and treatment technologies” and “program results of studying chemistry”. There were determined the formation criteria of chemistry competence of such specialists (“depth of professionally oriented knowledge”, “formation of professionally oriented abilities and skills in chemistry”, “motivation level of studying chemistry”, “mastering of professionally oriented personal qualities, necessary for conducting a chemical experiment”), their indices (correspondent coefficients) and levels (high, sufficient, primary). There were counted the research methods (questionnaire, testing, observation, filling forms of students’ self-estimation and so on). The effectiveness of the experimental methodical system was established by mean values of coefficients of formation of chemistry competence of students that exceeded the limit of 70 % and increment of these indices. Based on the calculation of the empirical value of t-criterion and its comparison with the table one, it was proved, that the level of chemistry competence formation of students increases, if to realize the educational process by the elaborated methodical system, directly oriented on achieving program results of studying chemistry by students

Author Biography

Iryna Nikolayeva, Communal Higher Educational Institution "Zhytomyr Medical Institute" Velyka Berdychivska str., 46/15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10002


Department of Laboratory Diagnostics


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How to Cite

Nikolayeva, I. (2018). Experimental verification of the effectiveness of the methodical system of formation of chemistry competence of future bachelors of the medical diagnostics and treatment technology at higher medical institutions of ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3 (23), 38–40. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2018.127406



Pedagogical Education