The modern state of future doctor preparation in the Great Britain: comparative and pedagogical aspects


  • Kamilla Magrlamova State institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" Volodymyra Vernadskoho str., 24, Ukraine, Dnipro, 49044, Ukraine



future physicians, model of education, medical education of Great Britain, professional training


The article analyzes the current state of preparation of future British doctors in pedagogical and medical scientific literature. A number of peculiarities of educational processes in higher educational establishments of the Great Britain are outlined, a comparative analysis of professional training of specialists at medical universities has been carried out. There are a number of factors influencing the training of future doctors in higher educational institutions. It is noted that the General Medical Council approved the competencies and responsibilities of the doctor, these criteria are set out in the document "Good medical practice", the main idea of these standards is patient’s safety and high quality of medical services. Standards are presented in four areas: knowledge, skills and execution; safety and quality; communication, partnership and teamwork; trust support. Each of these sections contains paragraphs with recommendations and explanations for doctors behaving in a particular situation that may arise in the process of communicating and treating the patient, and suggests possible ways to resolve misunderstandings and conflicts.

The emphasis is placed on the GMC General Health Board managing a quality assurance program that assesses how well the standards implemented by health schools are being effectively implemented. The General Medical Council also approves and evaluates postgraduate education, specialization, including the training of general practitioners and sub-specialist training; approves postgraduate programs.

The article notes that the characteristic feature of education in Great Britain is the understanding of foreign-language professional communication as an integral component of foreign language education, which has certain regularities that are in the sight of specialists and implement reforms in its content and technology of functioning. The concept of professional foreign language communication is considered as a special interpersonal professional interaction in the field of informational and cognitive contact, which involves the exchange of information taking into account the possibilities of cognitive and emotional influences on the interlocutor

Author Biography

Kamilla Magrlamova, State institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" Volodymyra Vernadskoho str., 24, Ukraine, Dnipro, 49044

PhD, Lecturer

Department of language training


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How to Cite

Magrlamova, K. (2018). The modern state of future doctor preparation in the Great Britain: comparative and pedagogical aspects. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4 (24), 38–42.



Pedagogical Education