Improvement of the quality of education in the higher educational institution of open educational space: searching for new technologies




Case Management, management, higher education, university, learning environment, technology


The article has been devoted to theoretical reflections connected with the quality of higher education in the open educational space. Higher education covers the field of getting a higher level of education as well as of getting a degree. The present situation features the lack of a precise attitude towards higher education. It concerns both the issue of the teaching of students and of managing the academia. The system of higher education can be described as a fossilized one. There are not managers. It is expected of Rectors – and consecutively of the Deans and academic teachers – to acquire financial resources of other sorts that the state ones. The expectations also concern the connections between business and the out-of-academia environment – in local, regional and global dimensions.

It seems to be important to identify and develop places in the educational space of academia to improve the quality of it. This will be of great value for the main beneficiary of the system, that is – the students and the aims that they want to achieve. Each university is placed in a certain local and regional context and has its own social capital – students and academic staff. A question arises
– what is the most efficient way to use the academic resources and to multiply them for the benefit of students and graduates? The direction of the actions would be to enrich the functioning of the university in an autonomous local and regional community.

The author’s interest focuses on the Case Management Method, profiled here as a technology that can be used in the educational space of universities to improve the quality of higher education. The Case Management Method usage in the educational space of higher education is connected with the elaboration of the technology of services management for a student or a graduate – individually. It also enables to set out the organizational possibilities of university and of social and environmental resources.

The formula can be seen as a part of the higher education reform that is about to be introduced. It relates to the strengthening of regional universities – in Poland of equal chances

Author Biography

Mariola Mirowska, Institute of pedagogy Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa ul. Waszyngtona, 4/8, Częstochowa, Poland, 42-200

Doctor of Humanities in the Field of Pedagogy, Lecturer, Head of Department

Department of Labor of Social and Public Health


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How to Cite

Mirowska, M. (2018). Improvement of the quality of education in the higher educational institution of open educational space: searching for new technologies. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (26), 15–19.



Pedagogical Education