The phenomenon of the self-efficacy of the modern teacher in the light of the synergy theory




self-efficacy, synergetics, professional-personal self-perfection, self-development, pedagogical self-efficacy, critical thinking


The article focuses on the importance of reorienting own professional activities of the teacher in the direction of the priority of mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, self-regulation, necessary for his/her professional and personal self-improvement.  The importance of the development of the phenomenon of self-efficacy of the teacher as the basis for the disclosure of his/her own potential, aimed at a spiritual activity and obtaining an effective result in professional activity, as well as an important tool for the modernization of the domestic educational space, is emphasized. The essence of the concepts of "self-efficacy", "pedagogical self-efficacy" is singled out and analyzed.  Thus, it is noted that self-efficacy should be characterized by such features as reflexivity and awareness; effectiveness and focus on success; manageability and sequence; ability to self-assess; mobility, flexibility and predictability, etc. The mechanism of development of self-efficacy of a teacher is considered from positions of the synergetic approach, taking into account the main principles of the synergetic paradigm in education. The attention is focused on the possibilities of synergy for the teaching science in the aspect of consideration of open systems (teacher, teaching staff, the pedagogical system in general), capable of self-organization. It is stated that any teacher in synergy can find the semantic keys for building own trajectory of self-efficacy development management. The teacher should be considered as a productive entity of his/her own professional activities. The essential features of a self-efficient teacher as a synergetic system are described. It is concluded that the most effective teacher in the theory of synergy appears as an active subject of professional activity and agent of changes in the course of the reformation of an educational institution, and expediency of development of the following signs and properties is proved, such as: positive perception of reality; acceptance of oneself, others and the surrounding world in general as they are and what they can be in the future; the ability to set goals, to overcome professional and life difficulties with the installation of self-change; manifestation of existential spontaneity, directness in solving pedagogical problems; confidence in their own professional and spiritual potential as an internal resource of self-development and self-motivation; the ability to really and adequately assess oneself, the vision of both their own positive qualities and disadvantages, etc.

Author Biography

Irina Makarenko, Kryvy Rih State Pedagogical University Gagarina ave., 54, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, 50086

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Makarenko, I. (2019). The phenomenon of the self-efficacy of the modern teacher in the light of the synergy theory. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (28), 17–21.



Pedagogical Education