Modern view of speech readiness for school of children of older preschool age with typical psychophysical development and speech disorders




speech readiness, speech training, general speech training, cognitive component, children of older preschool age


A theoretical review of modern scientific sources on the problem of "speech readiness" for the schooling of older preschool children with typical psychophysical development and speech disorders is presented. The aim of research: analysis of modern research on speech readiness for the schooling of older preschool children with typical and speech disorders. The objective of research was to substantiate scientific sources on the study of the terms "speech readiness" and "speech preparation" for school in older preschoolers; determination of components of speech readiness of children of older preschool age with speech disorders.

It is established that there are different views on the definition of the terms "speech readiness" and "speech training". Speech readiness for the school includes children's mastery of grammatical, lexical norms of speech, enriched vocabulary, use in educational and everyday activities of various functions of speech; it is determined that speech readiness contributes to the process of speech preparation of the future student to master the school curriculum. Speech training involves general and special training. It was determined that the formation of basic intellectual, semiotic and regulatory components is necessary for the speech readiness of children with speech disorders, which are formed under the influence of a special complex of correctional and developmental speech therapy work. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the components of speech readiness for the schooling of older preschool children with speech disorders were identified: cognitive is about understanding of the semantic constructions of language and speech; motivational is about understanding of social and cognitive motives of learning; the component of activity - active participation in various types of speech activity; emotional - verbalization of emotions and feelings

Author Biography

Olena Bielova, Kamyanets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques


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How to Cite

Bielova, O. (2021). Modern view of speech readiness for school of children of older preschool age with typical psychophysical development and speech disorders. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1(40), 31–35.



Pedagogical Education