Features of the "education standardization" concept as a component of the research vocabulary for studying the foundations of the medical and pharmaceutical education development





educational standard, standardization of education, fundamentals of education development, medical and pharmaceutical education


The research analyses the legislative framework and scientific sources on the interpretation of the concepts of "educational standards" and "standardization of education" as components of the research vocabulary for studying the foundations of medical and pharmaceutical education development. The study of Ukrainian and foreign regulatory documents and scientific and pedagogical developments of medical scientists and educators has been conducted on the basis of a systematic generalizing approach. The sequence of the terms "educational standards" and "standardization of education" introduction in the Ukrainian education system is considered. Differences in the interpretation of the concept of "educational standards" from the point of view of the meaning that a particular organization (or person) puts into the definition of this concept are presented. It is indicated, that higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions still have educational standards, developed on the basis of an activity-based approach, which cannot fully satisfy the pedagogical and medical educational community. The paper studies the imperfection of the legislative framework in the State regarding the development of educational standards, the lack of educational standards for medical and pharmaceutical specialists of the junior specialist (junior Bachelor) educational level. Since the European and in Ukrainian education systems focus on the educational process, aimed at the development of employees' ability to solve practical problems in various fields of activity on the basis of acquired theoretical knowledge, the priority direction of the state educational policy for the development of educational standards for medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions is the need for a competence-oriented approach. The research states that updating the educational legislation, improving and modernizing the educational system and introducing a new generation of state education standards, will help increase the competitiveness of medical and pharmaceutical specialists in the labor market

Author Biography

Iryna Radziievska, Cherkasy Medical Academy


Department of Fundamental Disciplines


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How to Cite

Radziievska, I. (2021). Features of the "education standardization" concept as a component of the research vocabulary for studying the foundations of the medical and pharmaceutical education development. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(41), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2021.228067



Pedagogical Education