Analysis of directions of modernization of professional training of specialists of the educational sector




European educational space, European Union (EU), EU educational policy, modernization, professional training


Conceptual and legal bases of formation and realization of educational policy of Ukraine are considered. The vector of educational policy is aimed at its modernization and promotion of broad cooperation with educational institutions, research institutions, public organizations, private foundations of the European educational space, representation of Ukraine's interests in education and science in international relations in the prescribed manner.

Four key objectives of European cooperation in the field of higher education have been identified: addressing future skills mismatches and promoting skills development; building inclusive and integrated higher education systems; providing higher education institutions that promote innovation; support for efficient and effective higher education systems.

The political and legal aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of education and the involvement of our country in the formation of the European educational space have been clarified.

The main tendencies of professional training of specialists in the field of education are determined. These are: lifelong learning, development of professional skills and qualifications, entrepreneurship formation, quality assurance in higher education, optimization of management and funding.

The modernization of the national system of professional training of specialists in the field of education, namely: establishing direct relations of universities with foreign partners on cooperation in the field of professional training of specialists in the field of education, concluding and ensuring implementation of international agreements on training, retraining and advanced training of foreign citizens at educational institutions of Ukraine

Author Biographies

Svitlana Zaskaleta, V. О. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv

Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor

Department of English Language and Literature

Oksana Oleksyuk, V. О. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Pedagogy and Inclusive Education


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How to Cite

Zaskaleta, S., & Oleksyuk, O. (2021). Analysis of directions of modernization of professional training of specialists of the educational sector. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(42), 27–31.



Pedagogical Education