Teacher readiness to implement learning through play in Ukrainian primary schools: a preliminary study





primary school, school reform, professional readiness, professional identity, learning through play


The article examines the problem of teachers' professional readiness to implement play-based, activity-based learning methods and the “learning through play” approach in Ukrainian primary schools in the context of holistic reform of school education - the introduction of the New Ukrainian School Concept.

The modern school reform, which was introduced in 2018, brought changes to all aspects of education in Ukraine, however, it was mainly focused on the approach of teaching and learning. A new educational strategy based on the integrative approach of “learning through play”, which combines the principles and methods of active learning, experimental learning and guided discovery learning, inquiry learning, problem-based and project-based learning, and Montessori pedagogy, was introduced in the professional activity of primary school teachers.

The results of the conducted research indicate that the vast majority of interviewed Ukrainian primary school teachers showed an insufficient level of professional readiness for the introduction of play-based and activity-based learning methods due to: a negative attitude to play in education; their insufficient awareness of the developmental, didactic and other functions of the play in the comprehensive development of a person at all stages of his/her life; the dominance of an authoritarian style of communication with students, etc. It was found, that there is an apparent contradiction between the predominantly high level of self-esteem of primary school teachers of their own readiness to implement play-based learning methods and a negative attitude towards the need to change their professional activity.

The difficulties, revealed by the results of the research, provide the basis to make corrections in the system of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education in order to develop Ukrainian school education based on the principles of priority of the individual needs of the child, the competence approach, partnership and a safe educational environment

Author Biographies

Tetiana Gura, Zaporizhzia Regional Inservice Teacher Training Institute

Doctor of Psychological sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for Research and International Work

Oleksandr Gura, Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for Educational and Scientific-Pedagogical work

Patricia Castanheira, The LEGO Foundation

PhD, Senior Evidence Specialist

Oksana Roma, The LEGO Foundation


Initiatives Lead


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How to Cite

Gura, T., Gura, O., Castanheira, P., & Roma, O. (2022). Teacher readiness to implement learning through play in Ukrainian primary schools: a preliminary study. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (50), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2022.264230



Pedagogical Education