The significance and role of active teaching methods on the practical trainings in higher school


  • Ірина Анатоліївна Огороднійчук Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrihsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



active methods, practical training, case-methods, business game, brain storm


There were studied the active methods of teaching at the practical trainings at higher school. It was established, that the methods of active study significantly improve memorization of material, favor its identification and purposeful practical realization. There are determined the active teaching methods, namely: imitating: non-playing (brain storm, analysis of legal industrial situations, solution of conflicts, execution of creative tasks), playing (press-conferences, business and role games, trainings, brain-rings, court) and non-imitating (problem lectures, seminars, discourses, debates, graduate work, industrial practice). There were established the features of the active teaching methods. The use of playing teaching methods (press-conferences, business and role games, trainings, brain-rings, court) allows determine the state of psychological climate of the separate student and group in whole; study in the small group and with small group; create conditions for the creative activity; learn to be responsible, independent, reasonably individualistic; elaborate the skill to make managerial decisions; learn the improvisation under conditions of deficit of time and information; get used to the different situations and role positions; learn to analyze and find the way out of problem situations. There were established the features of use of certain forms of discussion such as the “three of decisions”, structured debates. There was analyzed the methodology of conducting the business games and case-methods that belong to the imitating methods of the role study and activate the process of mastering knowledge, abilities and skills, teach to act in the different roles, make managerial decisions, experiment with the different styles of relations between partners, allow quickly master the information, favor the mastering of methods of making decisions in short term. Case-methods and business games have not only diagnostic, cognitive function, but also the training one. In the case of performing roles students, who perform them, make their own decisions and in this process can be seen the directionality on formation of the skills of professional behavior in collective, ability to analyze the character of interpersonal relations

Author Biography

Ірина Анатоліївна Огороднійчук, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrihsona str., 4, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate professorDepartment of philosophy, political science, psychology and law


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How to Cite

Огороднійчук, І. А. (2016). The significance and role of active teaching methods on the practical trainings in higher school. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (8 (4), 35–38.



Pedagogical Education