The analysis of ideas of pedagogical skills of a teacher in pedagogical heritage O. A. Levitsky (1872–1947)




pedagogical skill, pedagogical activity, attention, keenness of observation, imagination, teacher, speaking technique, self-education


The article deals with conception of pedagogical skill in the heritage of the native teacher O.A. Levitsky, whose ideas remained beyond the scientists’ attention. The author persuasively proves that the whole life of scientist is an assertion of ideas of school ukrainization. Working as a chief of Poltava teachers institute for a rather short period (1917–1919), О. А. Levitsky transformed this institution into the real Ukrainian school.

The scientist considered the love to own subject and ability to transfer it to pupils as the most important component in the structure of pedagogical mastership. According to O. A. Levitsky, the teacher-master it is a person, who independently self-improves and strives to stimulate the pupils to that, who rises the own pedagogical culture and reading competence.

The analysis of scientific heritage of the scientist allowed determine the structure of pedagogical skill that includes the following components: speaking technique, attention, keenness in observation, imagination, didactic mastership. The author of the article pays significant attention to the determination of conditions of formation of the bases of teacher’s pedagogical skill: active participation in the work of congresses, competitions of pedagogical skill, study of the colleges’ experience, self-improvement

Author Biography

Ірина Віталіївна Тонконог, Kyiv national Trade and Economic University Kyoto str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156


Department of Modern European Languages


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How to Cite

Тонконог, І. В. (2016). The analysis of ideas of pedagogical skills of a teacher in pedagogical heritage O. A. Levitsky (1872–1947). ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (9 (5), 43–47.



Pedagogical Education