The research of criteria and indicators of the development of secondary education in Ukraine


  • Ірина Олександрівна Климчук Institute of pedagogy National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Sechevyh Strel'cov str., 52-A, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



general secondary education in Ukraine, statistical indices of education development, international parameters/indices of education development


Under the modern conditions of Ukrainian economic development the one of the most acute problems of education is not only the lack of state financing but also the ineffectiveness of the costs usage by educational institutions that makes impossible their further development, obtaining the certain level in the international rating of educational standards. The insufficient level of elaboration of the effective use of state management and financing of educational institutions needs the further scientific searches, aimed at the improvement of the system of indicators and criteria of assessment of Ukrainian education from preschool to the higher one.

The main statistical indices of the Ukrainian education development for the period 2008 – 2016, the indices of general costs on education in Ukraine comparing with other countries of Western Europe (2008–2012),the indices of costs on one pupil in Ukraine and in the countries of Western Europe (2007–2014),indices of costs structure in educational institutions (2007–2014), indices of the state costs on the different levels of education in Ukraine and countries of Western Europe, indices of annual salary of the teachers in Ukraine and countries of Western Europe (2014) were presented in the article. The analysis of existing state of education development and the sources of formation of financial resources of educational institutions was carried out, the priority directions of the development system of GSE, according to the author, were defined

Author Biography

Ірина Олександрівна Климчук, Institute of pedagogy National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Sechevyh Strel'cov str., 52-A, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Ph.D., Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Климчук, І. О. (2016). The research of criteria and indicators of the development of secondary education in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (10 (6), 19–26.



Pedagogical Education