Professional training of the future teachers of Ukrainian literature to the work with phenomena of literary process: theoretical and practical aspects


  • Ольга Олександрівна Лілік Chernihiv National Teachers’ Training University named after T. G. Shevchenko Hetmana Polubotka str., 53, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 14013, Ukraine



literary process, literary direction, art work, impressionism, teacher of Ukrainian literature


The author analyzes the problem of studying factors and phenomena of literary process in the school course of Ukrainian literature. On the base of researches Lilik О. О. makes a conclusion that it is necessary to train the future teachers to the work with the facts and phenomena of literary process for the effective analysis of literary works. For attaining the aims of research the author elaborated the special course of methodology of teaching Ukrainian literature and introduced it into educational process. Methodological model of training of future teachers of the literature to the work with the facts and phenomena of literary process was created and probated in the context of this course. The author offered the own scheme of the work with facts and phenomena of literary process that is visualized in the article by mastering the notion “impressionism”.

The students-philologists of MA course after pedagogical practice at school took part in the experiment. The author of the article explains the students’ attitude to the study of literary notions at the lessons of the literature, defines the methods and techniques used by the teachers at the work with these notions, studies the role of visual means in mastering theoretical and literary notions and considers the ways of the raise of professional development of future teachers in this field

Author Biography

Ольга Олександрівна Лілік, Chernihiv National Teachers’ Training University named after T. G. Shevchenko Hetmana Polubotka str., 53, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 14013

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Ukrainian language and literature


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How to Cite

Лілік, О. О. (2016). Professional training of the future teachers of Ukrainian literature to the work with phenomena of literary process: theoretical and practical aspects. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (7), 4–9.



Pedagogical Education