The essential analysis of the levels of methodologizing of scientific and professional social work




methodology, methodologizing, methodological work, methodologizing levels, social work, professionalism


The article actualizes the importance of methodology that is an inalienable component of scientific searches, is able to define the most important thoughts of theoreticians and practicians in the process of mastering new knowledge, makes the complicated theories and concepts possible and distinctly structurizes them, elaborates the methods and means for the solution of scientific pedagogical problems. It was grounded, that methodologizing is for the scientist-theoretician in social work the way of realization of reflexive activity as to the study of given social object, the process of intensive use of complicated system of approaches, paradigms and instruments for the comprehension of social phenomena, the spiritual-practical mastering of surrounding social world: from the cognition of object to self-cognition and self-creation. There was described the metasystem activity of social workers that starts from socially organized collective thinking of the group, participating in cognition of the world of ideal essences of social object to the common thoughts-communications, connected with verbal-written texts and up to the pure thinking, manifested in non-verbal schemes, formulas, graphs, tables and so on. It was proved, that the top level of professional methodologizing in social sphere, as a result of developmental professional-scientific work, is the methodological activity that is completely elucidated at six levels of methodologizing

Author Biography

Liliya Rebukha, Ternopil National Economic University Lvivska str., 11, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46020

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Psychology And Social Work


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How to Cite

Rebukha, L. (2017). The essential analysis of the levels of methodologizing of scientific and professional social work. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (10), 18–21.



Pedagogical Education