


the readiness for family, the pupils of intuitions of boarding type.


The article is devoted to one of the topical problems of the present – the formation of readiness for family life of boarding school pupils. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, for the period from 2013 to 2017, the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care fell by 19594 (from 90772 to 71178), but the number of adopted children during the same period, on the contrary, decreased by 769 people (from 3732 to 2963). As of 2017, the network of boarding schools in Ukraine has 663 institutions, in which there are more than 100 thousand pupils. According to the problem under the study, the author emphasizes on the fact that institutions of state maintenance are not able to provide the full experience of family relationships, whose models are assimilated directly in the family. The need for a family of pupils of boarding schools is much greater than the children who grow up in the family. Therefore, as it is emphasized in the article, it is very important to formulate in the consciousness of this category of children ideas about the culture of family relationships, to provide knowledge about family and marriage, responsible parenting, to actualize the motives for the implementation of appropriate actions by pupils for the elevation of the depth of the essence of family life. Indicating on the importance of the present processes of socialization in institutions of boarding type, the author of the article focuses on a number of aspects that contradict the ideas of the development of a harmonious person that would be prepared for the future family life. The presented materials reveal the factors of readiness for family life, characterizing their essence in accordance with the scientific achievements of modern scholars. On the basis of the results of the theoretical study of the topic of readiness of the pupils of institutions of boarding type for family life, the author identified the following factors of readiness for family life: the values of family life; motivation for family life; activities and acts within the framework of friendly relations of small groups; social controlled socialization purposeful influence by the teaching staff of the institution; personal desires and needs of older teenagers in interaction with family. The factors outlined in the publication are the factors of the readiness for family life of the pupils of intuitions of boarding type, the essence of which is that this process unfolds in the socio-cultural educational space and, taking into account the vitality of family relationships, gives grounds to assert that preparation for the family life of older teenagers requires a socio-educational escort.

Author Biography

Lilia Ereimina, Melitopol State Bogdan Khmelnitsky Pedagogical University

Assistant, Department of social life, social pedagogy and preschool education


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How to Cite

Ereimina, L. (2018). ARE 14-17-YEAR-OLD BOARDING SCHOOL PUPILS READY FOR FAMILY LIFE?. Social Work and Education, 5(2), 88–99.

