


patriotic education, socio-pedagogical process, personality, youth, socialization.


The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of patriotic education of youth as a social-pedagogical process. The special role of socio-pedagogical foundations of patriotic education in the formation of a person as a citizen is highlighted. The focus is on patriotic education of young people, as in the organized, planned and purposeful process of assimilating the personality of national values and norms of culture aimed at the formation of her civic consciousness. The essence of the socio-pedagogical process, the main purpose of which is the rational organization of educational work aimed at the comprehensive development of the child in the context of a specific society, is revealed. Due to the fact that the socio-pedagogical process is carried out in order to solve the problems of socialization, in its content reflects the specificity of this phenomenon. Socialization can be directly (less meaningful, more uncontrollable) and indirect (meaningful, more manageable) character. It has been found out that the social and pedagogical component of patriotic education of young people helps achieve two goals: the success of socialization of younger generations as patriots and self-development as a subject of activity and as an individual. It is noted that the determinants of external influence on the upbringing of the patriotic qualities of the child's personality are the macro-, mesa- and micro-factors of socialization. It is established that the goal of patriotic education is intertwined with the tasks of socialization and individualization of the personality, which consists in developing the positive human qualities of a young person and promoting its adaptation in public life. It is concluded that the patriotic education of youth as a socio-pedagogical process is one of the important factors of the stabilization of society. The patriotic upbringing of youth can be seen as a process of socially controlling socialization, which is carried out in specially created educational organizations that help develop the capacity of a young person, including her abilities, knowledge, patterns of behavior, values, relationships that are positively valuable to the society in which she lives.

Author Biographies

Vitaliy Kulchytskyi, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil,

Ph.D., Associate professor, Department of Pedagogy of Higher School and Social Sciences,

Ludmyla Petryhyn, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil,

Dr of pedagogical science, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work,


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How to Cite

Kulchytskyi, V., & Petryhyn, L. (2019). PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF YOUTH AS A SOCIO-PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 89–93.

