


methodology, globalization, bilingual professional training, social workers.


This article deals with the bilingual education in a domestic educational system. This article presents the method of bilingual professional training of future social sphere specialists as an alternative to classical training in the conditions of globalization and European integration of social work. It has been proved that bilingual professional training is a necessary component of the modern system of education in the domestic higher educational institutions , which needs to be studied and further developed from a scientific and methodological point of view. The key to successful implementation of bilingual professional training should be carefully developed methods of its implementation and training and methodological support, which is the main component of the entire process of professional training. On the example of the special subject "World Models and Standards of Specialists Social Sphere Training " the method of bilingual professional training of future social workers was presented. It was argued that the lectures should be conducted in their native language (that is Ukrainian), while the practical classes were in a foreign language (English). This will allow students to develop communicative competence in a foreign language. Effective forms and methods of working with students in practical classes in the conditions of bilingual training were highlighted (case method, interactive presentations, discussions in foreign language to solve topical professional problems, "brainstorming", "round table talk", "business games", role-playing games, competitions in presentations, hands-on work, training, teamwork, group work, individual exercise training, situation modeling, program creation, projects, video lectures, modeling and presentations of interactive scenes). Thus, the implementation of bilingual training will expand the possibilities of the future specialist for adaptation in the professional, social, informational and scientific modern realities.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Kolyadenko, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine,

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Head of the Department of Social Technologies,

Svitlana Sytniakivska, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Technologies,

Natalia Seiko, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Social Technologies


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How to Cite

Kolyadenko, S., Sytniakivska, S., & Seiko, N. (2020). BILINGUAL PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF SOCIAL WORKERS IN GLOBALIZATION CONDITIONS. Social Work and Education, 7(1), 76–83.

