
  • Ivanna Parfanovych Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine


prevention, behavioral deviations, sscientific approaches, social work, subject of prevention.


The analysis of the concept of "prevention" which is given in scientific studies allows us to justify its own interpretation. The prevention of behavioral deviations has a complex effect on the social conditions of the individual development, aimed at physical, mental, spiritual, social, personal development, making it immune to the negative effects of social environment, the prevention and correction of negative manifestations in behavior, protection and assistance. The aim is the organization of preventive work to overcome anti-social phenomena, the causes of social exclusion of individuals of different social groups, providing conditions for prevention of behavioral abnormalities. The content is the process of familiarizing of professionals in social work with the features of social prevention, which is carried out at different levels of society and is a technology of social work. It covers both the implementation of socio-organizational and the immediate psychological and educational activities. The following question are covered: the nature and genesis of social behavioral deviations; deviant behavior as the deformation of ontogenetic development of the individuals; types of behavioral abnormalities, their characteristics and dynamics; taking into consideration different manifestations of behavioral deviations among girls and boys in preventive activities; biomedical determination in the prevention of deviant behavior; psychological deviations conditionality and organization of preventive work and overcoming the behavioral deviations etc. While the getting new knowledge and skills in prevention of behavioral deviations it subject must learn the concepts of theoretical foundations of professional ethics as a part of social workers activity in cross-sectoral interaction between schools, institutions and organizations; principles, functions, methods and forms of social work; international and national laws, the mechanisms that regulate the behavior of the person in modern conditions of society and determine the content and specificity of the subject of prevention. The analysis of institutions and organizations which are relevant to the implementation of prevention of deviant behavior in the social sphere makes it possible to define the conditions of improving their performance.

Author Biography

Ivanna Parfanovych, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Associate professor of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department


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How to Cite

Parfanovych, I. (2016). THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO BEHAVIORAL DEVIATIONSPREVENTION IN SOCIAL WORK. Social Work and Education, 3(2), 42–49. Retrieved from

