
  • В. А. Колтунов
  • Н. С. Метельська
  • Т. В. Бровенко



apples winter varieties, yield, chemical composition, a comprehensive assessment of competitiveness, the total index ranks of quality indicators


The article is dedicated to the problem study on supply of high-quality winter sorts of apples to the domestic and foreign market. The estimation of apples’ competitiveness was carried out according to the complex of economic and commodity expert descriptions. For this purpose the method of complex estimation developed by V. Koltunov was used, based on the rank scale of basic indicators and their transfer into dimensionless values. This method allows to consider all apples’ indicators of the most importance for the manufacturer, consumer and trade network, in particular: harvesting capacity, chemical composition, organoleptic indicators, resistance to diseases etc.

Obtained research findings have shown that winter sorts of apples have a considerable difference in harvesting capacity, marketability, keeping property, resistance to diseases, taste, size, form, colour and chemical composition. According to the results of determining competitiveness of each sort of apples thought estimation of rank marks as a whole, and according to the sum of certain indicators ranking it was determined that the first place is taken by “Crimean Aurora” sort, the second place – by “Renet Simirenko”, and the third one – by “Crimean”.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування