Specifics of soft skills development of IT-students by the means of educational scrum projects





scrum, soft skills, software development, student of IT specialty, methodology of development


The article raises a problem of finding relevant and effective methods for the development of soft skills of future specialists in the area of informational technologies. As the starting point of the research the author defines a project work during which an independence and skills of solving problems in the subsequent professional activities are formed. The first section of the work examines the essence of soft skills and provides their classification. The author also highlights the most significant soft skills of an IT employee, including creativity, conflict management, critical thinking, presentation, leadership, communicative skills, flexibility, and gives a brief description of each of them. In the next section the author examines both monolith and agile types of software development methodologies, used in modern IT companies, making an accent on how the soft skills of professionals are implemented in the process of work. Particular attention is paid to the Scrum methodology, which is considered as the best polygon of development of non-technical skills of a specialist. The article also contains a description of the processes and project roles in Scrum. The last section of the work contains a detailed analysis of the use of soft skills at each stage of the Scrum methodology, confirming the effectiveness of it as a form of developing the soft skills of future IT specialists

Author Biography

Oleksandr Gura, Zaporizhzhya National University Zhukovskoho str., 66, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, 69600

Postgraduate student

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Educational Process


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How to Cite

Gura, O. (2019). Specifics of soft skills development of IT-students by the means of educational scrum projects. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4 (31), 8–15. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2019.172007



Pedagogical Education