Current strategy of cereal breeding
DOI:Ключові слова:
winter wheat, winter triticale, spring barley, yield, grain quality, fiber, protein, genetic resources, antioxidant activity, phytonutrients, adaptabilityАнотація
Basing on results of long-term research (2015 - 2021), the Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS determined the genetic and phenotypic variabilities of cereal genotypes (winter wheat and triticale, spring barley) for useful economic characteristics, adaptability, and grain and flour quality indicators. New breeding material was created; it allows for expansion of new trends in the breeding of these crops; the trends are focused on increasing the physiological value of final products: bread, cookies, cakes, flakes, etc. New cereal cultivars have been bred: Haiok, Metelytsia Kharkivska, Pronia, Mavka IR, Mazurok, Tymofii, Pudik, Yelan, Parnas, Yavir, and Shedevr. Grain and flour of these cultivars meets the requirements of the food industries, in particular, baking and confectionery ones. The cultivars have passed state registration and are allowed to be grown at Ukrainian agrarian enterprises.
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Авторське право (c) 2023 V. V. Kyrychenko, N.I. Vasko, O.Yu. Leonov, H.V. Shchypak, K.Yu. Suvorova, O.V. Morhun

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