Editorial Team


Fedak George, Eastern Cereals and Oilseeds Research Centre Agriculture and Agri-Foods, Canada

Kyrychenko V. V., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine

Assistants Editors-in-chief

Kolupaev Yu. E., State University of biotechnology, Ukraine

Kirpa M. Ya., Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS, Ukraine

Executive secretary

Hlukhova N. A., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine

Editorial board members

Gaile Zinta, Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia

Dziubetskyi B. V., Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS, Ukraine

Kobyzeva L. N., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine

Kozachenko M. R., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine

Kolomatska V. P., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine

Miklić Vladimir, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia

Pachev Ivan Diankov, Institute for Forage Crops, Bulgaria

Ryabchun N. I., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine

Urazaliev R.A., NAAS of Ukraine, RAS, Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production, Kazakhstan

Škorić Dragan, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Department of Oil Plants, Serbia

Hu Shengwu, Nortwest A&F University, Yangling, China

Vasko N. I., Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine