Spring barley breeding for increase in productive and adaptive capacities





spring barley, breeding, variety, productivity, adaptability, biotic and abiotic factors, selection, trial


The aim and tasks of the study. To identify the major unfavorable abiotic and biotic factors during the spring barley vegetation in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. To optimize approaches to creation, selection and trial of prospective material at breeding stages and to develop new spring barley varieties.

Materials and Methods. Experimental studies were conducted at V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS (MIW) in 2004-2016 according to conventional methods. The study object was accessions of the world gene pool, varieties and MIW’s breeding material.

Results and Discussion. The weather conditions of recent years in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine were characterized by high air temperatures and uneven rainfall during the spring barley vegetation. In some years, it could induce a number of adverse effects, which individully or in combination significantly reduced the yield. These were droughts during vegetation, crop scorching from heading to maturing, crop lodging because of squally rainfalls, intensive progress of several pathogens: powdery mildew (Blumeriagraminis (DC.) Golovin ex Speer f. sp. Hordei Em.Marchal), net blotch (Pyrenophora teres Drechs.), spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.)Shoem.), stripe leaf blotch (Pyrenophora graminea Ito &Kurib.) and leaf rust (Puccinia hordeiOtth.).

Conclusions. Breeding programs on development of spring barley varieties with high yield and adaptive capacities have been corrected according to the peculiarities of abiotic and biotic environmental factors, and a systemic approach to creation, selection and comprehensive trial of prospective material has been implemented in practical breeding. Nine spring barley varieties created and submitted to the State Variaty Trial of Ukraine in 2012-2016, namely MIP Myrnyi, MIP Saliut, MIP Sotnyk, MIP Azart, MIP Bohun, MIP Visnyk, MIP Myroslav, MIP Ekspert, MIP Vdiachnyi are the practical results of these suppositions


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