Yield capacity and oil content in seeds of open-pollinated rape


  • Н. А. Глухова Plant Production Institute named after VYa Yuriev, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0535-7212
  • О. Г. Супрун Plant Production Institute named after VYa Yuriev, Ukraine
  • А. В. Артюх Scientific and Production Corporation "Siver", Ukraine
  • Н. К. Ильченко Plant Production Institute named after VYa Yuriev, Ukraine




winter rape, "00" and " 0" rapes, pollination, yield, oil content, erucic acid content, seeds scheme


The aim and tasks of the study. To study of the heterosis effect for the seed yield and oil content from open transpollination of "00" varieties by inbred "+0" lines of winter rape; to establish biological features of "00" and "+0" rapes; to determine the heterosis effect from transpollination "00" and " +0 "forms.

Material and methods. The research was conducted in the PPI nd. a VYA Yuriev, Kharkiv in 2011 – 2015; the results obtained were tested at the Scientific and production Corporation "Siver", Vinnytsia district, Vinnytsia region in 2015. "00" winter rape varieties Chornyi Veleten, Tysmenytskyi, Antaria and the seventh generations of inbred lines of "+0" winter rape R11-12, L37-12, L38-12 with erucic acid contents of 27.1%, 14.7% and 23.8%, respectively, were taken as starting material. Seeds were sown in alternate bands: eight rows of "00" rape and two rows of "+0" rape (8:2). The fractional composition of oil was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. The glucosinolate content was determined by the glucose dip stick test GlucoTest and by gas-liquid chromatography with palladium reagent.

Results and discussion. After open transpollination (in the year of pollination) of "00" varieties with "+0" lines the seed yield and oil amount increased. The yields of hybrids were 7–43% and 61–135% higher than those of the parent variety and of the pollinating line, respectively. The oil amount in hybrid seeds increased by 1–12% and by 2–12% related to the parent variety and to the pollinating line, respectively. No increase in the erucic acid content in hybrid seeds was observed.

It was established that the mixture obtained during direct harvesting of crops met the requirements of State Standard of Ukraine DSTU 4966: 2008 for Class I seeds – food seeds.

Predominancy of pollination with alien pollen in cross-pollinated crops was taken as a foundation for the research. First, the biological features of "00" and "+0" winter rape varieties and lines were studied to improve the conditions of pollination and fertilization of plants. It was found that "+0" rape accessions with increased contents of erucic acid "+0", in comparison with erucic acid-free "00" accessions, were characterized by early anthesis. "+0" accessions flowered earlier than "00" accessions by for 7–14 days, but their styles had a shorter viability: 9 days in "0" accessions vs. 18 days in "00" ones. Early anthesis of "+0" accessions increased the pollen load at the start of anthesis in "00" accessions. "+0" accessions produced almost twice as little pollen as "00" accessions did, and the size of their pollen grains was 28.8–32.6 μm, which is 76–88% related to “00”accessions. Theoretically, this improves wind pollination. We found that "+0" accessions synthesized more monosaccharides and total sugars of per flower in comparison with "00" accessions. The average amounts of monosaccharides and sugars were 1.46 mg/flower and 1.80 mg/flower, respectively, in "+0" accessions vs. 1.31 mg/flower and 1.61 mg/flower, respectively, in "00" accessions. This indicates that "+0" accessions are remarkable attractive for insects.

Conclusions. Early anthesis of "+0" inbred rape lines, small pollen grains and higher contents of sugars per flower improve pollination and fertilization of "00" varieties. This increases the yield capacity and oil amount in seeds.

The results obtained can be grounds for reducing the area under rape grown for commodity purposes


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