Breeding and genetic characteristics of winter six-row barley by grain number per spike in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
winter six-row barley, grain number per spike, diallel crosses, genetic parameters, combining ability, genetic sources, heritabilityAbstract
The aim and tasks of the study. To identify breeding and genetic characteristics of winter six-row barley varieties under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in terms of the grain number per spike.
Materials and methods. The research was carried out at VM Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS in 2012/13–2014/15. Winter six-row barley varieties (Hordeumvulgare L.) of different origin (Paladin Myronivskyi, Zherar, Selena Star, Strimkyi, Cartel, Existenz, Cinderella as well as F1 derived from their complete diallel crossings (7 x 7) were the research object. Analysis of variance, combining ability and genetic parameters were calculated in accordance to conventional methods (B.A. Dospekhov, 1985; M.A. Fedin et al., 1980).
Results and discussion. Variations in the genetic control of the “grain number per spike” trait and distribution of the varieties relative to the regression line in Hayman’s diagrams were established depending on the conditions of a year. In arid 2012/13, intra-locus overdominance and epistasis between the loci were noted, and in humid 2013/14–2014/15, a additive-dominant model with prevailing additive effects was noted. The prevalence of recessive genes (effects) and a tendency of dominance towards the trait enhancing indicate a significant reserve for increasing the grain number per spike in most of the genotypes studied.
Strong significant reliable effects of the general combining ability in all the research years were observed for varieties Strimkyi (4.08–4.65) and Paladin Myronivskyi (1.95-3.15). Variety Existenz had high GCA values in 2013/14–2014/15 (0.85-1.29) and somewhat lower values in 2012/13 (0.30). High significant values of the constants of the specific combining ability were noted in combinations Paladin Myronivskyi / Existens (0.74-1.26), Paladin Myronivskyi / Cinderella (0.58-1.35), Strimkyi / Zherar (1.28-2.90).
Conclusions. For the first time in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine under the contrasting weather conditions during 2012/13–2014/15, the genetic parameters and combining ability of winter six-row barley was investigated in terms of the grain number per spike in the complete diallel crossing designe (7 × 7). The breeding and genetic characteristics of winter barley for the grain number per spike spike give grounds for prediction of the efficiency of selection for enhancing in this trait in the material created. Varieties Strimkyi, Paladin Myronivskyi and Existens were identified as genetic sources of the increased general combining ability for the grain number per spikeReferences
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