Variability of anatomical structure of fiber on the stem cross-section of the hemp different samples




коноплі, стебло, анатомія, клітина, первинні і вторинні луб’яні волокна, вміст волокна, селекція


Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a fibrous culture. For investigation of the anatomical structure of the stem for breeding purposes, in particular the fibrous layer, there has always been a lot of attention on the part of researchers.

The aim and tasks of the study were to establish the features of the structure of the fibrous layer and the degree of variability of the anatomical signs of the primary and secondary bast fibers cells on the cross-section of the hemp stem in a number of modern varieties and new samples.

Material and Methods. Anatomical analysis of the stems was carried out in the phase of the outset of seed ripening (technical ripeness of plants). The area of plant nutrition was 30 x 5 cm. The cut was done at level IV internodes. Temporary anatomical preparations were studied with a microscope at magnification of 600, 300 and 150 times. There were used 9 varieties, 3 collection samples and 1 hybrid of hemp.

Results and Discussion. The hemp varieties JUSO 31, Glyana, Glesia, Artemida, Garmonija, Gracia, Mikolajczyk, Glukhovskie 85, Glukhovskie 51 and collection samples Lovrin 110 (National Catalog No. UF0600691), Purini (UF0600692), SK (UF0600710) were examined by us on the anatomical structure of the fibrous Layer and cells of primary and secondary bast fibers on the cross-section of the stem.The length of cells of primary bast fibers was from 30.8 to 57.6, the width – 24.8–37.6 µm, the length of cells of secondary bast fibers was from 18.7to 29.2, the width – 13.1–15.8 µm, the number of secondary cell membranes was from 1 to 20, the total width of the fiber layer – 191.4–704.2 µm in the plant material studied by us.

Conclusions. The signs of the size of the cells of primary and secondary bast fibers, their shape, the number and thickness of the secondary cell membranes, the shape and size of the canal, the density of cell placement on the cross-section of the hemp stem, the presence or absence of secondary fibers can be used as identification. These characteristics can be used in breeding to establish qualitative and quantitative indicators of fiber by indirect characteristics too


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