Inheritance and variability of performance and its major structural components in F1 rice




rice, hybrid, inheritance, variability, performance, hybrid combination, dominance degree, starting material


The aim and tasks of the study. The objective was to study the inheritance of major components of performance in F1rice hybrids. To achieve this objective, the dominance degree (hp) and variability (V) were determined for valuable economic characteristics in F1of 45 hybrid rice combinations obtained from diallele crossing of 10 rice varieties.

Material and methods.The study was conducted on the vegetation plot at the Institute of Rice of NAAS of Ukraine in 2013–2014. Plants of in F1hybrids and their parents were structural analyzed: quantitative characteristics: tillering capacity (the number of productive stems), the panicle length, panicle performance (grain weight), grainnumber per panicle, plant performace (grain weight), 1000-grain weight were measured in compliance with the procedures of expert examination and state trials of plant varieties.

Results and discussion. The article presents inheritance peculiarities of the major components of rice performance (tillering capacity, panicle length, panicle performance, grainnumber per panicle, plant performance, 1000-grain weight) in F1 of 45 hybrid combinations by dominance degree. Combinations with overdominancewere distinguished, since an enhancement in expressions of positive changes is expected in subsequent generations, which will contribute to creating productive material for rice breeding.

The types of performance dominance and its major structural components (productive tillering capacity, the main panicle length, plant performance, 1000-grain weight) were determined for F1of 45 hybrid rice combinations.

Conclusions.Five hybrid combinations (Sakha 101 / Giza 177, Sakha 101 / Ukraina-96, Admiral / Lotto, Admiral / Vikont, Vikont / Magic, in which a set of breeding-valuable characteristics isinherited byoverdominance, were singled out.

Based on the data obtained, selections from the best hybrid combinations will be conducted to create and further to study productive starting material for rice breeding


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