Nosovka breeders achievements: winter triticale variety Slavetne


  • В. В. Москалець Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • Т. З. Москалець Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • В. І. Москалець The V.M. RemesloNosovka Breeding and Research Station Myronivka Institute of Wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine
  • Н. М. Буняк The V.M. RemesloNosovka Breeding and Research Station Myronivka Institute of Wheat National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine
  • І. В. Гриник Institute of Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine



winter triticale, variety, morpho-biological and agroecological characteristics, yield and quality of grain, elements of agrotechnology for traditional and organic production


The morpho-biological and agroecological characteristics of the variety of he secondary triticale of winter Slavetne are presented and the elements of agrotechnology of cultivation of this variety in the different soil-climatic conditions of the country are highlighted.

Theaimandtasksofthestudy.Tostudythemorpho-biologicalandecologicalpropertiesofthetriticaleofthewintervarietySlavеtneonprogressiveelementsofagrotechnologyofcultivationintheconditionsoftheEasternandCentralPolissia, thetransitionzoneForest-Steppe-PolissiaandtheCentralForest-Steppe.

Materialandmethods. Studies on selection and ecological strain testing of the triticale of the Slavetne variety were carried out during 1998–2016. At the Nosov selection and testing station (Chernihiv region), BilaTserkva of the National Agrarian University and the Institute of Agriculture of Polissia of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciencesof Ukraine (Zhytomyr region).

Resultsanddiscussion. The ability of the winter triticale variety Slavetne to provide high yields in agroecosystems of the Eastern and Central Polissia, transition zone of Forest-Steppe-Polissia and Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is proved. The relatively high ecological stability of the triticale of the winter variety Slavetne to adverse environmental factors, the slow development at the onset of ontogenesis and its timely completion, contribute to a better resistance of plants to pests, pathogens of diseases, more effective use of winter-spring moisture and nutrients of soil. On the basis of the Slavetne variety by means of cross-stratification hybridization and further individual selection, promising lines ПС_1-12, ПС_2-12, ПС_6-12 were created and the frost-free line Slavetnepolipshene.

Conclusions. In the conditions of the Eastern and Central Polissya, the transitional zone Forest-Steppe-Polissia and the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the grade of the triticale of winter wheat Slavetne is characterized as highly productive, high-yielding, resistant to unfavorable biotic and abiotic stresses of the environment


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