Genetic resources of the millet collection of the Ustymivka experimental station and their value for breeding practice


  • Ю. В. Харченко Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of Рlant Production Institute named after V.Yа. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • С. М. Холод Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of Рlant Production Institute named after V.Yа. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine
  • С. Г. Холод Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of Рlant Production Institute named after V.Yа. Yuriev of NAAS, Ukraine



millet, collection, accession, source, performance, valuable economic traits


The results of studying, evaluating and describing 637 accessions of the millet collection of Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production in terms of performance and adaptability traits in 2011–2015 are presented.

Our objective was to select a group of promising accessions from the changing gene pool of the National collection of millet, basing on previous studies, and to comprehensively assess them for a set of economic and breeding-valuable traits.

Material and methods. Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production investigated the assortment of breeding varieties, which were generated in different years, landraces and local forms differing by harvest site and time, resistance to diseases and pests, suitability for mechanized harvesting, grain and groat quality and by other traits.

Results and discussion. The comprehensive study using field and laboratory assessments made it possible to identify sources of economically- and breeding-valuable traits: 46 accessions with increased yield (over 500 g/m2), 62 accessions with large grains (1000-grain weight >8.0), 40 accessions with increased plant performance (7–10 g), 33 accessions with increased panicle performance (>6.0 g), 38 accessions with increased grain number per panicle (> 800–1,000), 27 accessions with resistance to panicle drooping, 20 accessions with lodging resistance, and 24 accessions with shedding resistance (after maturation, during transportation and threshing). Ten accessions were recognized as the most suitable for direct mechanized harvesting (the maximum sum of points from lodging resistance, panicle drooping and post-maturation grain shedding scores). Seven accessions with the maximum sum of points from resistance to biotic factors scores were also identified.

Conclusions. The millet gene pool accessions were comprehensively studied under various weather conditions by field and laboratory assessments, which allowed us to select material with increased parameters. The valuable accessions are recommended to develop new millet varieties.


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